TFR (VLCD) Break Plan

What do I do now I've completed a VLCD phase?

With your Doctors approval and support you can follow a full phase VLCD / Ketogenic Plan for a maximum of 12 consecutive weeks. You may follow these plans using a shorter phase 4 week cycle, taking a TFR Break on every 5th week.

After following our Rapid Burn, Rapid Burn Plus, Man Plan, Fast Fix or Social Plan with either the full or shorter phase you need to decide whether you want to continue on your plan or begin Weight Stabilisation to start the route back to healthy eating and weight management.  

Reached your target weight or a BMI 25 as a minimum? We recommend you follow our Weight Stabilisation Plan for 7-10 days. Lock in your weight loss results, control the re-introduction of foods, install a healthy eating system and be ready to concentrate on your Weight Management.  

Not yet reached your target weight or a BMI 25?  If you wish to continue on your weight loss plan, it is essential to follow our TFR Week Break guidance below for one week. With your Doctors approval you can then continue to follow the same plan for a further phase of 12 weeks or shorter cycle if you have reached your target weight sooner.

How to follow our 'TFR' Break Week

TFR Week Break Experience

When following our one week 'TFR Break' it is expected to see a slight increase on the scales, this is quickly put right and does not mean a fat gain. There is a difference between a Fat Gain and a Weight Gain!  

Do not be alarmed, it is quite normal to see a small gain due to the necessary increase of carbohydrates and your body will be slightly out of ketosis for a short time as glycogen and water are being stored in your muscle. This is necessary for you to be able to continue slimming safely on a further cycle of your VLCD/Ketogenic Plan.

The weight gain on your scales will drop instantly once you have returned to your original plan, don't allow this to side track you and demotivate you. You have done so well to reach the 5th or 12th stage, it is imperative that you do not lose control and eat freely.  Much damage can be done to your weight loss result and could even pull you completely off plan.  If you feel seeing a slight weight gain will side track you, abstain from weighing yourself until you have completed one week back on your original plan.

keediet mrp strawberry diet shake

Weeks 5 & 13 explained

On Week 13 or Week 5 of your Rapid Burn, Rapid Burn Plus, Man Plan or Social Plan for seven continuous days increase your daily calorie intake by adding the following items to your daily routine.

  • Add or increase Milk to your plan, one pint / 568ml of Semi Skimmed Milk or equivalent calories of an alternative dairy product. (Approximately 260 calories which can be added to our products or taken separately)
  • Include 100 calories from two small pieces of fruit or unrefined, complex carbohydrates for example 2 x Dark Ryvita / High Fibre Crisp breads / 30g Brown Rice. 
  • Include 300g of permitted low vegetables each day.

What is a TFR Break Week (Total Food Replacement - TFR) ?

KeeDiet® recognise and endorse safe practices laid down by the NHS, NICE Guidance on Obesity for Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCD).  With your Doctors approval and support you may follow a VLCD/Ketogenic Weight Loss Plan for a maximum of 12 continuous weeks, it is then necessary to increase your daily calories to above 800 calories for at least one week.

We refer to this week as a 'TFR Break'. It is necessary to follow the ''TFR Break' for one week due to the very low calorie intake on the KeeDiet® Rapid Burn, Rapid Burn Plus, Man Plan and Social Plan, as these plans offer less than a 800 daily calories.

Following these guides for safe slimming we recommend after a full or shorter VLCD phase (maximum 12 continuous weeks) you take a short break or choose to follow a 800+ calorie plan as a next phase of weight loss.

The 'TRF Break' is an integral part of our Rapid Burn, Rapid Burn Plus, Man Plan and Social Plan and permits a controlled break from VLCD/Ketosis.

This week should not be considered as a 'free eating' week, recommended eating follows the same process as your VLCD / Ketogenic Plan, with the addition of some healthy extra's, and is designed to provide safe slimming and allow an easy return to one of our VLCD/Ketogenic plan, whilst safeguarding your fat loss.

It is worth mentioning again that you can also follow any of our VLCD/Ketogenic plans on a shorter cycle. Follow our Rapid Burn, Rapid Burn Plus, Man Plan or Social Plan for just 4 continuous weeks and then every 5th week take a 'TFR Break'.  Many clients follow this route and report more flexibility, this is a decision you can make as you proceed through your first 4 weeks.

Before embarking on a KeeDiet® plan, please ensure you have read our Medical Guidance and with your Doctors approval and support you can follow the 12th or 5th Week cycle until you reach your optimum weight or as a minimum a BMI 25.

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