Tracy's Story

Tracy's KeeDiet Success
I have recommended this diet to others and will continue to do so... as I will also continue to be a customer
Tracy's Success with The KeeDiet..

Before I started I was 20 stone - This weekend I am 14st 2.5lbs!!

I started the diet on 13th March, with my doctors blessing even though my BMI was 48.5, he was happy for me to do the KeeDiet Rapid Burn Plan.

I have a number of medical conditions, none of which were caused by my weight, in fact the weight went on with me now being steroid depended. I needed to lose the weight in a way that suited me, I had considered Bariatric Surgery, but because of my Brittle Asthma, was told that I would not be able to have it, even privately. So decided that VLCD was the way to go.

My starting weight was 20stone 3lbs, I was a Size 22/24 with a BMI 48.5. As of this weekend, 26th August I am now 14st 2.5lbs, Size 16 with a BMI 33.9. My bust is now bigger than my belly, all small victories!

I have had regular blood test done with my Doctor, and before I started was borderline type 2 diabetic, my test results are now normal. I have added extra food and made up the shakes with milk on week 13 to keep within the guidelines and with my doctors approval, I am just completing week 24, so on week 26 I will again add to my diet for that week, because while I am in ketosis I do not feel hungry even when taking the steroids.

The plan is to get my BMI to below 30, then to maintain with the help of the stabilisation plan and carrying on with 5:2 Diet. In January I will redo the plan to get down to a healthy BMI of below 25. I think I have about 8 weeks to run from now, this allows the little extra before reintroducing food, then in January probably another 8/9 weeks to get to a healthy BMI. I will then continue to do 5:2 for two main reasons:

1: To help me maintain my weight

2: Because I have enjoyed the free time I have gain over the past five months where I have not had to cook and the clearing up afterwards

My doctor managed to get me some CBT counselling to help me plan to maintain, so we have come up with a new mantra... Moderation and Balance. The aim is to help me eat guilt free. so the idea is nothing is off limits, but in moderation and to balance it out, and the scales are my friend, and it is easier to lose 2lbs than 2 stone.

I have recommended this diet to others and will continue to do so as I will also continue to be a customer.

Kind Regards Tracy A.

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