Deborah's Story

Deborah's Success with KeeDiet
A friend had introduced me to the Kee Diet. She is a dietician and recommended it above all the other vlcd out there. The Kee products are great, the shakes in particular are delicious and I will still use them as breakfast when I'm goal weight as they are so tasty and filling!
Deborah's Success with The KeeDiet...
3 Stone weight loss & back to a Size 10

I always used to be a 'Slim' Size 10, but after the stress of my final year at university, followed by having two children close together, weight crept on till I was a Size 14.

5 months ago I went to a party and the pic (on the right) was taken and it was the worst picture I've ever seen of myself! It was actually a stretchy Size 12 dress but I looked enormous in that picture, my arms looked so big and I didn't recognise myself. I decided to lose weight as quickly as possible using the Kee Rapid Burn Programme, with the first goal being slimmer for a fun weekend away with my friends a couple of months later. I ended up losing 2 and a half stone in the first 2 months!

A friend had introduced me to the Kee Diet. She is a dietician and recommended it above all the other vlcd out there. The Kee products are great, the shakes in particular are delicious and I will still use them as breakfast when I'm goal weight as they are so tasty and filling! Being on the diet completely stopped my chocolate 'addiction' and I can now take it or leave it and can turn down unhealthy food without a second thought. It really changes your bad habits.

Now I am a Healthy BMI, I use Kee products alongside normal healthy eating. I have lost over 3 stone so far which I'm so happy with but I know that in a few weeks I will hit my 4 stone target and be a slim size 8/10 for turning 30 - Best Birthday Present EVER ! "Hi, Just wanted to say thank you because the KeeDiet has changed my life! Over 3 stone lost and I am still using Kee products"

Thanks Kee Deborah x

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