New You Plan

Low Calorie & Controlled Carbohydrates | 1000+ Calories

Start shaping a new you

Simply consume 2 KeeDiet Meal Replacements, a light 200 calorie lunch, a controlled 400 calorie evening meal, plus a 100 calorie KeeDiet prepared snack or fruit snacks. 

Enjoy an easy to follow structured weight loss plan that allows you to mix KeeDiet Meal Replacements with healthy meals and fruit snacks.  A great weight loss plan for those who are more active and/or who have less weight to lose.

Choose from Diet Shakes, Breakfast & Desserts, Meals and Bars.


  •  Daily intake 1000+ Calories
  •  Suitable for Men & Women with BMI 25+
  •  2 KeeDiet daily products
  •  2 Healthy Meals + Fruit Snacks
  •  Flexible Slimming Option
  •  BMI 22+ with Doctors Approval
  •  Full plan details below

Check out our discounted Diet Plan Boxes below. A 1000 calorie and portion controlled weight loss solution making slimming easier.  Our New You diet plan offers men and women a flexible slimming approach, eating at regular intervals throughout the day, continuing to enjoy meals with friends and family whilst still experiencing a regular weight loss.  (With your Doctors approval, this plan can also be followed as a starter phase by Men & Women with a higher BMI )

Get Started

Design your own diet plan from a selection of shakes, soups, meals & bars
Plan Requirements, Permitted Foods & Options
A Typical Weight Loss Day
New You Plan Information
What is a LCD Weight Loss Plan 

Six Easy Steps to an Amazing Weight Loss

After your first purchase create a personal tracker in our Weight Loss Centre. Then join us on our Secret Slimmers Group for support, chat with us and other KeeDiet® slimmer’s throughout your journey.

Download a PDF copy of the New You Diet Plan Leaflet

1. Consume 2 x VLCD/Total Products daily providing a breakfast and healthy snack
  • 2 KeeDiet Meal Replacement (MRP) Products
  • A maximum of one daily bar is recommended
  • Now add a light lunch, evening meal and fruit snacks (see below).

We recommend using our Meal Planner Tool in our Weight Loss Centre to record your food intake.

2. Create a light lunch meal without carbohydrates

Create a Home-Prepared Meal using our guidance below. Select a Protein choice and add Vegetable/Salad to create a delicious light lunch.

The foods provided below are the leanest protein and lowest impact vegetables and salad, affecting blood sugar levels the least. You may mix your choices according to your menu and calorie allowance. Further choices are available in our online Meal Planner, available once you have placed your first order.

Review your favourite recipes, give them a tweak and continue to enjoy them. Choose healthy cooking options. If eating in a restaurant you may wish to change your protein choice for the occasion to a lean beef steak or salmon fillet for an easier menu choice. This is often the easiest option and helps refrain from sauces as these may be rich and calorific.

Protein Allowance per day (approx 150kcal per portion):

  • 150g Chicken or turkey (uncooked weight)
  • 200g white fish (e.g. cod, haddock) (uncooked weight)
  • 120g Oily fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel)
  • 150g Tinned Tuna in Spring Water (drained weight)v
  • 185g Pre-cooked prawns
  • 225g Reduced Plain Cottage Cheese / 160g Plain Cottage Cheese
  • 2 Medium Eggs
  • 200g Steamed Tofu
  • 150g Quorn e.g. Pieces
  • 60g Beans dried weight including: Soya Beans, Lentils, Chickpeas, Black Eye Beans, Aduki Beans, Pease Pudding, Haricot, Butter

Add vegetables / salad to accompany your meal (up to 200g approximately 50kcal)

Mix your Vegetable & Salad for variety and greater nutrition. The list below offers guidance and choice of some of the lowest gi/gl vegetables and salad that affect blood sugar levels the least. 

All fresh / dried herbs and spices such as curry or chilli powder, coriander, pepper, chives and parsley can be added to enhance your meal.

  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Asparagus
  • Aubergine
  • Bamboo Shoots
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage (inc pickled)
  • Cauliflower
  • Celeriac
  • Celery
  • Chinese Leaf
  • Courgette
  • Cucumber
  • Fennel
  • Green Peppers
  • Kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Konjac Noodles
  • Leek
  • Lettuce (all)
  • Mushrooms
  • Aubergine
  • Okra
  • Radish
  • Rocket
  • Spinach
  • Sorrell
  • Spring Onion
  • Watercress
3. Create a delicious evening meal, including controlled carbohydrates

Create a delicious portion, carbohydrate controlled healthy evening meal each day from the choices below. Select a protein and add vegetables / salad

The foods provided below are the leanest protein and lowest impact vegetables and salad, affecting blood sugar levels the least. You may mix your choices according to your menu and calorie allowance. Further choices are available in our online Meal Planner, available once you have placed your first order.

Review your favourite recipes, give them a tweak and continue to enjoy them. Choose healthy cooking options. If eating in a restaurant you may wish to change your protein choice for the occasion to a lean beef steak or salmon fillet for an easier menu choice. This is often the easiest option and helps refrain from sauces as these may be rich and calorific.

Protein Allowance per day (approx 250kcal per portion):

  • 175g Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Ham
  • 275g White Fish
  • 190g Oily fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel)
  • 275g Steamed Tofu
  • 260g Tin Tuna (Spring Water drained)
  • 250g Pre Cooked Prawns
  • 275g Quorn Mince/Pieces
  • 65-95g Beans dried weight: Soya Beans, Lentils, Chickpeas, Black Eye Beans, Aduki Beans, Pease Pudding, Haricot, Butter, Baked in reduced sugar/salt
  • 325g 2% / Fat Free Cottage Cheese
  • 2 Large Eggs

Add vegetables / salad to accompany your meal (up to 200g approximately 50kcal)

Mix your Vegetable & Salad for variety and greater nutrition. The list below offers guidance and choice of some of the lowest gi/gl vegetables and salad that affect blood sugar levels the least. Remember, if wishing to add Root vegetables or Carbohydrates to your evening meal, (e.g. garden peas, carrots, parsnips) its a good idea to check your calorie and carbohydrate intake on our 'Meal Planner'.

All fresh / dried herbs and spices such as curry or chilli powder, coriander, pepper, chives and parsley can be added to enhance your meal.

  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Asparagus
  • Aubergine
  • Bamboo Shoots
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage (inc pickled)
  • Cauliflower
  • Celeriac
  • Celery
  • Chinese Leaf
  • Courgette
  • Cucumber
  • Fennel
  • Green Peppers
  • Kale
  • Konjac Noodles
  • Leeks
  • Lettuce (all)
  • Mushrooms
  • Okra
  • Radish
  • Rocket
  • Spinach
  • Sorrell
  • Spring Onion
  • Watercress

Now add a portion of complex carbohydrates

Select healthy complex carbohydrate options
Following our New You Plan, aim to keep your added carbohydrate intake to 100kcal maximum per day. You can choose complex carbohydrates only. Refined (Simple) carbohydrates are restricted. Refined (simple) carbohydrates are released into your blood faster causing your blood sugar levels to peek and drop quickly resulting in unstable energy levels and hunger. Generally, refined carbohydrates are in processed foods, white breads, pasta, cakes, biscuits, shop purchased meals and sauces. Unrefined (complex) carbohydrates are a much better option for your carbohydrate allowance, containing fibre, B vitamins, calcium, iron, copper and Vitamin E, plus they provide a slower more suitable release of energy. Leaving skins on carbohydrate vegetable foods slows down the absorption of the individual sugar units even further and is a healthy option to adopt.

Increase your choice of vegetables and salad to those which are sweeter. For example: 5 cherry tomatoes, 120g peas, ½ red/orange/yellow pepper, 90g sweetcorn. Calories in this section can vary so we recommend you weigh and count calories until you are familiar with the portion size.

  • 100g Baked Potato (skin included)
  • 200g New Potato (skin included)
  • 150g Sweet Potato / Taro 100g
  • 100g Parsnips
  • 30g Brown/Basmati Rice, Couscous, Wholemeal Pasta, Pearl Barley, Buckwheat & Bean Noodles
  • 2 x Dark Ryvita / High Fibre Crisp breads / Oatcakes
  • 1 x Mini Wholemeal Pitta, Chapatti 1 x Slice / ½ Roll - Granary Bread, Seeded Bread, Stoneground, Wholemeal, Rye, Burgen Bread
4. Choose a daily portion of fruit

100 Calorie Fruit Guidance

Different fruits provide different health advantages, for example, some contain more dietary fibre and others are rich in carotenoids, the chemicals that give fruit their colour and are often antioxidants. It is therefore suggested that you use a variety of fruit on your plan and for weight management.

  • Apple - 1 x Medium - Approx. 100gs - 47 Kcal
  • Apricot - 4 x Dried - 32g - 60Kcal
  • Banana - Half large - 60g - 57Kcal
  • Grapefruit - Half Medium - 80g - 24Kcal
  • Grapes - Small bunch - 100g - 60Kcal
  • Kiwi Fruit - 1 Fruit - 60g - 29Kcal
  • Mango - Slice - 40g - 23Kcal
  • Orange - 1 x Medium - 160g - 59Kcal
  • Peach - 1 x Large - 110g - 36Kcal
  • Pear - 1 Fruit - 160g - 4Kcal
  • Plum - 3 x Medium - 165g - 59Kcal
  • Raspberries - Fruit Portion - 100g - 25kcal
  • Strawberries - Fruit Portion - 100g - 27Kcal
5. Your Daily Plan & Options

Additional items listed may increase calorie intake, however they should not affect Ketosis and could provide benefits for continued good health.and nails. A little extra healthy oils are good and help promote healthy skin, hair* ***

Extra sipped water

KeeDiet® Water Flavouring / Fibre Supplement

1 additional (100 calorie /less than 5g Carbohydrate) KeeDiet® High Protein Product

Tablet Sweeteners, Decaffeinated Tea/Coffee, Herbal Teas Leaf/Fruit/Flower

Dried/Fresh Herbs & Spices, 1 tbsp Fat free (0-1%) dressing

*Three times weekly 1 tbsp of nuts/seeds or add a little nut/seed oil to your permitted salad/vegetables.

Vitamin & Mineral Supplement

*Nuts/Seeds Information

Typical Day following KeeDiet® New You Plan

An example of how to use your (2) Daily KeeDiet Meal Replacement Products

Breakfast (1)

Original Porridge

MRP Original Porridge


1 Choice of Fruit

1 Choice of Fruit


Cottage Cheese Salad

Cottage Cheese Salad

Afternoon (2)

MRP Peanut Bar

MRP Peanut Bar

Evening Meal

Create a 400 Calorie Meal with added Starch foods

Create a 400 Calorie Meal with added Starch foods


Keediet Breakfast

1 Fruit & Sugar Free Jelly

Further Information

*Following the New You Plan you have the option to add permitted vegetables/salad or use a low calorie Keto Meal Please open the tabs for full information

The KeeDiet® New You Plan is a flexible, low calorie, controlled carbohydrate weight loss plan, providing around 1000 daily calories. Ideal for those wishing to mix meal replacement products with conventional healthy meals, fruit and foods.

Safely consume less calories than more traditional diets and take the emphasis off counting calories and weighing foods allowing you to concentrate on your weight loss. Simply consume two KeeDiet® meal packs daily, one for breakfast, the other as a healthy snack. Add two daily lean meals from healthy selected foods and include fruit snacks.

A simple to follow daily weight loss system, with the benefits of promoting a high protein, carbohydrate controlled lifestyle. As our products are loaded with premium protein, but register a low carbohydrate and sugar content you will notice on the New You Plan your hunger and cravings are controlled, allowing you to focus on your weight loss.

Use our Customer Hub Area to log your progress and weight loss and get involved with us throughout your journey. Once at a BMI 20-23 or your target weight if higher, consider following the KeeDiet Lifestyle Plan (go to our blog) or 5:2 Fasting Plan for weight management.

Plan Guidance

To follow we recommend a minimum BMI 25 (body mass index). We suggest with your Doctors approval you may follow this plan until you reach a BMI 23 which is a healthier bench mark to maintain.  However if a lower BMI is your goal, once you reached a BMI of 23 we suggest increasing your calories and exercise and include more healthy conventional foods.

Suitable for most people The KeeDiet® New You Plan uses 2 daily products, however, before embarking on your KeeDiet weight loss journey, please ensure you have read our Medical Guidance and have consulted your Doctor for Medical approval.

Throughout your plan ensure you space out your meal packs, water and foods regularly throughout the day to maintain even blood sugar levels. Our products should provide approximately 4 hours of hunger satisfaction due to the high quality of protein we use. We recommend only 1 bar is consumed daily and remember, do not add additional fruit, refined or un-refined carbohydrates, root vegetables, sugary foods/drinks or alcohol as these may affect your weight loss and the mild Ketosis (fat burning) phase.

Get Started now and save money with our specific 2, 4 or 6 Week New You Diet Box

The New You Plan Benefits:

Using our meal replacement products on a low calorie / low carbohydrate weight loss plan provides a flexible, affordable and nutritious plan to suit most lifestyles. Our Meal Replacement Products have been specifically designed to replace a daily meal or provide a nutritious snack and our New You Plan provides an easier option for a safe and successful weight loss.

Following our structured Low Carbohydrate, Low Calorie New You Plan

  • Steady, regular fat and weight loss
  • Mix healthy foods with KeeDiet Meal Products
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Easily fit around your lifestyle and excercise regime
  • Promotes long term healthy eating habits
  • Sense of well-being, increased energy

Cutting back to 1000 calories each day is considered a low calorie weight loss plan. For those who are at their healthy weight and BMI, 1000 calories is considered half of an average women’s daily required calorie intake and approximately 1,500 daily calorie intake less for men, making this is a perfect plan for those who want a steady, gentle weight loss with an approximate drop of 2lb each week.

Successfully achieving your healthy weight target is all about finding the right balance between the amount of energy (calories) you consume and the amount of energy you burn. When actively trying to drop weight, eating healthy meals, maintaining physical fitness and ensuring you are receiving essential vitamins and minerals is the key to success!

The principal is simple; to lose weight you need to use more energy than you consume. Designing the New You Plan, KeeDiet® have made the Low Calorie, Low Carbohydrate weight loss option more efficient by create an easy to follow plan, controlling the quantity of daily carbohydrates consumed and also increasing the protein to protect your muscle and hunger. A perfect plan if you wish to follow a gentler weight loss plan, continue to exercise or are unable to follow a VLCD /Ketogenic Weight Loss Plan.

Following the New You Plan you will be consuming approximately 1000 calories daily. To follow you should have a minimum BMI 20 (body mass index). You may follow our VLCD Plan until you reach a BMI 20 however we suggest a healthier bench mark of a BMI 23 as better guide. If a lower BMI is your goal, once you reach a BMI of 23 we suggest you increase your calories and consider following our New You Plan which allows greater exercise and a healthy route to weight management.

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